Samstag, September 22, 2012

I sense there is still good in you

Bill O'Reilly: "Do you think it was disrespectful of Clint Eastwwod talking to an empty chair, representing the president of the United States, your man."

John Stewart: "Oh yes, my idol! You're thinking of Elvis... I don't think that it was disrespectful. These are political conventions. That's the whole point. They should be called "Three days disrespect for the other guy."

Comedian John Stewart und der konservative FOX-Moderator Bill O'Reilly treffen am 6, Oktober bei einer live im Internet übertragenen Debatte aufeinander, um die Lage der Nation zu diskutieren, wie sie es in anderen Gesprächen in des jeweilien anderen Show bereits mehrfach getan haben.

Die "Eintrittskarte" kostet etwas mehr als 4$. Die Moderatoren spenden die Einnahmen an wohltätige Organisationen (John Stewart zu Bill O'Reilly: "Have you picked your organisation yet? Is it a group that builds a wall on the Mexican border?").