Donnerstag, Juli 10, 2014



Mittwoch, Juli 09, 2014

Brüh im Glanze

Das Arcis Saxophon Quartett aus München erinnert in ihrer Interpretation der deutschen Nationalhymne, dass es sich nicht um eine Sauerkrautsinfonie mit viel  Bundeswehrkapellen-Humtata handelt, sondern ein sehr passendes melancholisches, nachdenklich zerbrechliches Quartett von Haydn. 


Während Lukas Podolski nach dem 7:1 der fröhliche Kölner Spaßmannschaftskollegenfußballbekloppte mit den Kumpels grient, bleibt Mario Götze der selbstverliebte Selfie Toyboy.


"Brazil had not lost a competitive match at home since 1975 but they were not just removed from their own World Cup. They were embarrassed in a way that will make them look back on this tournament and want to shelter their eyes. It was football’s equivalent of chewing on broken glass and they should probably just be grateful Germany did not make it even more harrowing after Andre Schürrle had added another two goals in the second half. This was not a team losing. It was a dream dying. (...) What cannot happen, however, is for the story to be all about Brazil’s deficiencies when Germany have just put on one of the all-time performances. It was a masterclass."


Brazilians know good football and only one team played it here.(...) Joachim Löw’s players responded sportingly, going around consoling the defeated, even waiting respectfully while the likes of David Luiz finished their praying. Germany are a class act before, during and after the 90 minutes. Strong too. (...) This was a lesson. This was unbelievable, brutal, astonishing. This year the carnival dress code is lederhosen."

Die BBC bringt das Ergebnis ihren Zuschauern so näher: