Samstag, Oktober 15, 2016

Trump: Verbrannte Erde

In der New York Times schreibt Timothy Eagan über den langfristigen Schaden, den Donald Trump der Republikanischen Partei, der politischen Landschaft und dem Land zufügt, indem er die Grenzen des Anstands verschiebt und seine Anhänge darin bestärkt, dass dies normal sei - und jeder, der diese Meinung nicht teile, nicht nur nicht ganz dicht, sondern "der Feind" sei.

"(...) those who take pleasure in watching Trump destroy the Republican Party are missing the bigger picture. He’s trying to destroy the country, as well. Civility, always a tenuous thing, cannot be quickly restored in a society that has learned to hate in public, at full throttle.
Trump has made compassion suspect. Don’t reach out to starving refugees — they’re killers in disguise. Don’t give to a charity that won’t reward you in some way. Don’t pay taxes that build roads and offer relief to those washed away in a hurricane. That’s a sucker’s game. We’re not all in this together. Taxes are for stupid people."