In ihrem Bildband
"Sikhs in America" widmet sich die Fotografin
Fiona Aboud ...nun ... den Sikhs in Amerika.
Im Gespräch mit Photoshelter erklärt sie: "
I began my photographic exploration of Sikhs in America as a personal education and exploration. Through out my life I have always strived to understand things that I feel are misunderstood by myself and society at large. After 9/11 when Balbir Singh Sodhi was gunned down in Mesa, Arizona on Sept. 15, 2001-- the nation's first post-9/11 victim of a hate crime -- the press did profiles on Sikhs and Sikhism explaining that they were not Muslim and giving people a sound byte of knowledge. Years later I still had the question: what is a Sikh American? What was their American experience like?"
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