Donnerstag, Dezember 06, 2012

Losing Nemo

In der Episode "EGGS" der US-Sitcom NEW GIRL verzweifelt Schmidt darüber, dass er offenbar nicht in der Lage ist seine Vorgesetzte, mit der er schläft, zu befriedigen, obwohl er davon überzeugt ist, der Welt größter Liebhaber zu sein ("I feel like our bodies really made something. Like we brought manufacturing jobs back to America."). 

Um zu klären, ob er alles richtig macht, geht er zu einer Freundin seiner Mitbewohnerin Jess ("You are a gynecologist and a lesbian, which makes you…a vagenius.”), einer lesbischen Gynäkologin. Umgehend sind die beiden in ein Fachgespräch vertieft, bei dem sich Schmidt als Wizard of Vaginatoz herausstellt. 

"That's exactly what I do. I call that 'Losing Nemo'... I see what you're doing. That asymmetry right there? That's crucial. Because then what I'll do is, I'll go outside, get the paper, then shake the neighbor's hand. Then what I'll do is I'll tie a bow on it because it's birthday time. Then I get on stage and I collect my Oscar. And then say, 'Thank you to the people,' 'Thank you to the people.' And get back down off-stage and get everybody into the sharing circle. Right down there in the sharing circle... And then, spike the volleyball. Then what I like to do is, I like to arrive at the arrive at the bridge, meet the troll and then answer his riddles three. Then what we're doin' is we're dancing. We're just gonna dance. We're gonna dance for awhile. We'll dance until you can't dance anymore. Dance until you can't dance anymore... And then everybody... gets... churro."